Legal Assessments
Experienced Support & Assessment
As the lead therapist Jennifer is experienced in carrying out a range of legal assessments including writing Education Health Care Plans and preparing for SENDIST tribunals.
Jennifer can work with you in a timely way by assessing children and young people, providing a comprehensive report and recommendations and attending the Tribunal as a witness to support and gain the necessary outcome to successfully access learning.
Help with Talking provide more information on the ways that SLT’s can support with medico-legal work.
“Jennifer was simply outstanding. Her qualifications and experience are second to none. But she brings so much more to her assessments: exemplary communication skills, an ability to forge key relationships quickly (e.g. With school). She quickly won the trust of my son, thereby enabling a very fruitful discussion. She is extremely diplomatic and always goes the extra mile. Her up to date understanding of legislation and Local Authority procedures made her insights doubly invaluable. We were so grateful to her in so many ways, not least her approachability and the way she remained available for follow up discussion and support. Ultimately her detailed recommendations were adopted by the Local Authority in full, which is testament in itself. Thank you.”